Everything: The Black and White Monograph

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Internationally renowned photographer Christopher Makos compiles here the finest of his black and white photography. With startling innovation and an eye for the cutting edge, Makos has made an extraordinary contribution to modern photography, continuously pushing the boundaries of his medium. Everything: The Black and White Monograph celebrates the work and influence of the man Andy Warhol called "the most modern photographer in America." Everything is a comprehensive survey of Mako's photographic work from 1973 to the present. As Peter Wise writes, it is a collection of images "so distinctly of a particular moment that a whole context is encapsulated" that communicate "something singular about a cultural moment." This compilation, the first volume in a projected series, is unbound by "categories, themes, or specific subject matter." Instead, it serves as a period piece, a vision of a particular time and place assembled by the man Doston Rader says is "widely considered the most important and gifted photographer of his generation." Contents: Artworks; Photo Index; Introduction; Notes on Everything; Biography; Bibliography; Author Chronolo; Makostudio.


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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:352 Seiten

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