The GriffA Graphic Novel
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So, you want to destroy the world? Heres what youll need to do First, activate an ancient alien beacon that summons a behemoth spaceship from the far reaches of the galaxy. Then, release a stream of pods that unfold into minivan-size griffin-like dragons (a.k.a. Griff. Hence the title. Duh.) into Earths atmosphere. Next, destroy all of Earths defense and emergency infrastructure, then systematically kill almost every person on the planet, leaving the buildings intact and ready for a colonizing invasion. Okay, so now you dont have to read the first five pages of THE GRIFF. From there we follow a trio of survivorsMo (short for Maureen), a snarky, sexy, Gothy leader of a computer game-design team; Steve, a skateboard-punk who has made a career out of passing out swag at pro skating events; and Curt, the obligatory buff commando type, who seems to know just a Ilittle too much about makeup and hair color for a he-manas they battle their way against marauding Griff from NYC to Orlando, Florida, where the alien mothership is hovering. Meanwhile, in Florida, other survivors await, including, Liz, a killer whale trainer at Ocean World, who survived the attack by sheltering in the service tunnels of the park, and Oscar, a chain-smoking professional squirrel (seriouslyhe wore a squirrel costume on a theme park midway). Once united, the group will attempt to board and bring down the alien spacecraft and save the world. Naturally, adventure and comedy ensue
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Ausgabe:Sonstige Formate
Umfang:160 Seiten