Claire Lazebnik

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Autor*in von Epic Fail.

Alle Bücher von Claire Lazebnik

Cover des Buches Epic Fail (ISBN: 9780061921261)

Epic Fail

Erschienen am 02.08.2011

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Cover des Buches Epic Fail (ISBN: 9780061921261)
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Rezension zu "Epic Fail" von Claire Lazebnik

Pride and Prejudice Light
Nicksvor 8 Jahren

I certainly expected more from the story. 
Not in terms of plot, depth and stunningly exciting twists, of course, but I did have this idea of a teen rom-com in my mind. You know the humor of Easy A, the charm of Ten Things I Hate About You and the occasional, but certainly necessary bitch-please attitude of Mean Girls.

With this very undoable mixture of hilarious Olive Penderghast, sarcastic Kat Stratford and naive Cady Heron in my mind I was bound to be disappointed. Is there one heroine out there to fit this description? Hardly, I guess. 

Don´t get me wrong, it was a nice story, quite cute and at times also funny. I liked how Elise and Juliana always sticked together and trusted each other over any guy´s pretty speeches. I liked how they loved their weird family, even though they knew how very unsettling they could be. I liked how Derek Edwards was all brooding and non-communicative. 
And right there you see the problem - I liked it, but that´s it. Nothing in this story really moved me, nothing could keep me focused solely on the plot and nothing managed to really make me laugh out loud which, unfortunately, was what I went for. 

The lukewarm underlying criticism of paparazzi and prejudices was just a feeble attempt of putting something more serious in the story. You really believe anyone will put down the tabloids now and start thinking about how very exhausting the life of a movie star is? As if. Either you get it right from the beginning or you don´t, ever. 

If you are in the mood for a nice, but fleeting distraction don´t hesitate - grab Epic Fail. Just don´t expect too much. 

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