Reignited: A Companion to the Reawakened Series

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From the New York Times bestselling author of the Tiger’s Curse series and Reawakened comes a novella full of celestial marvel, passion, betrayal, and evil that will grow to reign over humanity forever. Before Lily and Amon met, before the cosmos were in chaos and needed three brave brothers to fight off evil, there were four siblings who helped rule the earth. Each sibling had a special gift. Osiris, the god of agriculture, helped mortals to grow and thrive in their natural environment. Isis, the goddess of creation, fostered health and wellness. Nephthys, the seer, was able to keep the balance between all living beings and the universe. But Seth, the youngest sibling, was left without any special powers. The Waters of Chaos, which granted each god’s talent, were running dry, and Seth was paying the price. As time passed, however, Seth’s determination and willfulness resulted in a very special gift, one that should have granted him the ability to enact wondrous change. But Seth’s competitive childhood gave him a heart so cold and vacant that instead, his gift brought about great evil. Seth was now the god of unmaking, the creator of disorder and destruction. And he was ready to seek his revenge, dominating all who got in his way. Praise for Reawakened: "A sparkling new novel with a fully imagined world and mythos, and crackling romance! Egyptian mythology has never been this riveting! With sharp dialog and a fun heroine, Reawakened is precisely what you would expect from the author of the incredible Tiger Saga!"--Aprilynne Pike, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of the Wings Series. "The author weaves her story out of Egyptian lore, cinematic magic, selfless love, and . . . is clever enough to remain surprising even to the last sentence."--Kirkus Reviews "Rick Riordan fans who are looking for another series will delight in this fantasy. VERDICT: An incredibly well-researched novel with an air of mystery and romance."--SLJ "In this series opener, Houck (the Tiger's Curse series) introduces a fantasy teeming with Egyptian characters and mythological stories come to life. . . Houck's moving depiction of the love between Lily and Amon is memorable."--Publisher's Weekly "Littered with Egyptian mythology and snappy dialogue, this romantic adventure is a good choice for graduates of Rick Riordan or fans of Houck's Tiger's Curse series."--Booklist "Fans of paranormal romance will love the Egyptian spin on this story of devotion and sacrifice, and Lily's humor, combined with plentiful dangerous escapades, will keep readers engaged."—VOYA About the Author: Colleen Houck is the New York Times bestselling author of the Tiger’s Curse series and the Reawakened series. Her books have appeared on the USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Walmart bestseller lists, among many others. She has been a Parents’ Choice Award winner and has been reviewed and featured on and in the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Girls’ Life magazine, and Romantic Times, which called Tiger’s Curse “one of the best books I have ever read.” Colleen lives in Salem, Oregon, with her husband and a huge assortment of plush tigers.


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Umfang:224 Seiten
Verlag:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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