The Moriarty PapersThe Schemes and Adventures of the Great Nemesis of Sherlock Holmes
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The infamous Professor James Moriarty is a brooding presence in all of the adventures of celebrated British detective Sherlock Holmes. Yet his actions are described only once in "The Final Problem", when he and Holmes wrestle on the brink of the Reichenbach Falls, and he gets scant mention in five other reports. So who exactly was Moriarty? A power-crazed mathematician, as described by Arthur Conan Doyle? The public face of an underground brotherhood? Or the cocaine-induced Hyde to Holmes' Jekyll? "The Moriarty Papers" hold the key. Assembled after Moriarty's death by his head of Security Operations, Colonel Sebastian Moran, these unique documents confirm Moriarty as the supervillain that Holmes took him for. Indeed, they reveal him to be a criminal mastermind. Read this book and discover the darkest of secrets of Sherlock Holmes's arch rival.