Ley-Linien-HeilungssystemPraxisbuch, Band 1
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Neuauflage April 2022 - Arbeitsbuch Band Nr. 1 (deutsche Fassung) angelehnt an das Ley Lines Healing System by Daivika
The planetary ley lines are sacred connections between the planetary systems, the energy field around us and our body.
Like pulsating meridians, through which the healing cosmic power can flow into the body. Like a mirror of the universe in the "hermetic alchemy", on our body healing points can be found, which when they are touched, increase the vibration of the body, so that the energy can flow more free.
The puls in the healing point, in which the rythm is the key to connecting with everything that is.
The planetary ley lines are sacred connections between the planetary systems, the energy field around us and our body.
Like pulsating meridians, through which the healing cosmic power can flow into the body. Like a mirror of the universe in the "hermetic alchemy", on our body healing points can be found, which when they are touched, increase the vibration of the body, so that the energy can flow more free.
The puls in the healing point, in which the rythm is the key to connecting with everything that is.