Can you tell me a bedtime story?
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The oldest home remedy in the history of humanity, or simply an ancient
opportunity for feedback between parents and their children. It sounds so
banal and simple, yet it ranks among the key building blocks for the
future potential of our children. This book provides a needed bridge to the
gap between a playful bedtime story and the needs and concerns of our
coexistence. We release the potential for development while laying a
foundation for the processing of our daily experiences.
At the same time, we create a personal and memorable bond with our
children that is firmly anchored in the awareness of everyone involved.
This book others you sound guidance and inspiration on how to tell
familiar stories or create completely freestyle, new stories about the events
of the day, every evening. In the process, you are encouraged to respond
directly to the individual preferences of your children. So special, and
selected in ways no one else can - only you!
opportunity for feedback between parents and their children. It sounds so
banal and simple, yet it ranks among the key building blocks for the
future potential of our children. This book provides a needed bridge to the
gap between a playful bedtime story and the needs and concerns of our
coexistence. We release the potential for development while laying a
foundation for the processing of our daily experiences.
At the same time, we create a personal and memorable bond with our
children that is firmly anchored in the awareness of everyone involved.
This book others you sound guidance and inspiration on how to tell
familiar stories or create completely freestyle, new stories about the events
of the day, every evening. In the process, you are encouraged to respond
directly to the individual preferences of your children. So special, and
selected in ways no one else can - only you!