Uniforms: FotoFactory Anthology III (FotoFactory Anthology Series Book 3)

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If a man in uniform is your thing, Uniforms (FotoFactory Anthology Series, Book 3) is your book. This surprising and often erotic array of men in, nearly in, and stepping out of their uniforms is an anthology of 128 new and vintage photographic images by 70 international photographers. Compiled and edited by renowned photographer / photo collector David Sprigle, and with an introduction by Conrad Hechter, this display of men through the ages includes Monument to a Tattered Hero by Arthur Tress (a color iris print from his "Condom Series") and Marcus Leatherdale's Papu Lal and Rickshaw Wallah (toned Gelatin print). Other highlights are works by acclaimed artists Amos Badertscher, Clifford Baker, Tom Bianchi (previously unpublished photos), Rick Castro, Ed Freeman, Conrad Hechter, Dean Keefer (frequent Playgirl contributor), Reed Massengill, John O'Reilly, Jeff Palmer (AIDS Benefit Calendar creator), Mel Roberts, Stanley Stellar and many others.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:128 Seiten
Verlag:Fotofactory Pr

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