David Brandenberger


David Brandenberger, born 1970 in Urdorf, Switzerland, is an optician, photographer, painter, musician and initiator of the Solatrike project. With the Solatrike he drove 40000 km from Europe to New Zealand. He recorded the story of this journey in a book and published it in German and English. He traveled once for three months through New Zealand and Australia, and another time for a year through South America and to Antarctica. He started his solo travels with many city trips via Interrail throughout Europe. Travel and photography have always belonged together for him. In the meantime he has traveled and photographed all continents. The photos are just as central in his extraordinary multimedia shows.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von David Brandenberger

Cover des Buches Solatrike (ISBN: 9783754907573)


Erschienen am 11.10.2021
Cover des Buches Solatrike - English edition (ISBN: 9783758404085)

Solatrike - English edition

Erschienen am 15.09.2023

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