Solatrike - English editionHow an idea turned into an inspiring 40000 km under the sun - so far...
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Swiss- born David Brandenberger doesn't have a clue about electrical engineering, solar systems and long-distance cycling, but he does have an idea. A project emerges from this and becomes, unplanned, one of the longest expeditions ever undertaken on a solar-powered pedelec recumbent trike, solo and out of a race. He cycles his "Solatrike" across the Silk Road from Europe through Asia and on and on despite all odds. An inspiring story that encourages you to put your idea into action and go your own way. Exactly what David wants to convey.
Very big on this trip are the encounters with the locals and the breathtaking nature, which at times makes him sweat quite a bit. Breakdowns are part of the cyclist's life, as well as hair-raising bureaucracy, so emotions can sometimes ride a roller coaster with him. How do you explain a Solatrike to an official that doesn't fall into any category? David's flexibility is challenged, as he often has to change and adapt his plan. True to his motto, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Five years he is on the road on his pioneer journey through 22 countries, when after 40000 km there is a shocking turn of events and his adventure is at stake...
Very big on this trip are the encounters with the locals and the breathtaking nature, which at times makes him sweat quite a bit. Breakdowns are part of the cyclist's life, as well as hair-raising bureaucracy, so emotions can sometimes ride a roller coaster with him. How do you explain a Solatrike to an official that doesn't fall into any category? David's flexibility is challenged, as he often has to change and adapt his plan. True to his motto, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Five years he is on the road on his pioneer journey through 22 countries, when after 40000 km there is a shocking turn of events and his adventure is at stake...