The Morning AfterDtsch.-Span.-Engl.-Französ.-Italien.

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In a unique manner, David Drebin's work combines voyeuristic and psychological viewpoints. He offers the viewer a dramatic insight into emotions and experiences which many of us have doubtlessly felt at some point of our lives. A graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York City in 1996, David Drebin rapidly made a name for himself as an internationally successful photographer represented by noted galleries and art dealers worldwide.§§Drebin's photographs are epic, dramatic and, above all, cinematic. In a unique and opulent way, Drebin stages his scenes against the gigantic backdrops of cities including Hong Kong, New York, Los Angleles, Paris, Rio De Janiero, Berlin and Barcelona. The panorama of the big cities, which, due to their format, are a tribute to cinema, serve as the settings for these scenes.§§With their impressive skyscrapers, they provide the viewer with a nearly infinite surface for the imagination. Drebin¿s intention is to liberate the viewer from the system of rules of everyday life and restore his faith, emotion, and humanity. The distinctive tension and depth in his pictures arise from the free combination of such differing topics as humor and sex, melancholy and sex, and melancholy and humor.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:191 Seiten
Verlag:Te Neues Pub Group

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