Her Texas Cowboy (New Horizon Ranch: Mule Hollow Book 1)
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Revised version and formerly titled Her Mule Hollow Cowboy. From #1 Bestselling, award winning author Debra Clopton: Five ranch-hands inherit a Texas ranch from their boss. These cowboys and cowgirl vow to honor their beloved boss by making the New Horizon Ranch the success he envisioned when he chose to leave his legacy in their care. Along the way they each find the love of a lifetime. You’ll fall in love with these fun emotional love stories. Cowgirl Maddie Rose has never belonged anywhere but she’s just inherited part of New Horizon Ranch—along with her partners, four handsome, extremely capable cowboys. She’s out to prove herself worthy of the honor of the inheritance. Loving her new life in the small Texas town of Mule Hollow, she’s determined that, for the first time in her life, she’s going to finally belong somewhere… Professional Bull Rider Cliff Masterson has been chasing his dreams for years—or has he been running from his past? He’s searching for more in life and ready to dig in his spurs and put down roots deep in the heart of Texas. Rescuing a beautiful cowgirl from being trampled by a bull has him dreaming of romance, home and hearth. But Maddie’s had enough people in her life leave and she’s not willing to risk her heart on him—Sparks fly as he’s determined to prove to the feisty cowgirl that the only thing he’s chasing now is wedding bells with her… Can the Matchmakin’ Posse of Mule Hollow help this couple find their happily ever after? "If you love Debbie Macomber's Heart of Texas series you'll love Debra Clopton's books!" An inspiring Contemporary Romance novel, "Her Mule Hollow Cowboy" is an Amazon Best Seller. This novel is fun, romantic~Debra Clopton at her best! Faith, hope, and love mix with flying sparks between Cliff and Maddie. You don't want to miss. **~EXCERPT~** "Get in there, you ornery hunk of steaks," Maddie Rose gritted out through clamped teeth while thrusting all of her weight into pushing the cattle trailer's rear gate closed. A hard task since her hundred twenty pounds didn't hold up against Buford's two thousand pound bulk. Needless to say, despite all of her shoving and pushing. Despite all of her exertion. Buford's big, hairy rump hadn't budged even an inch! Nope, there it was—hanging out over the back end of the trailer. Firmly in the way of the latch. "C'mon, only a few more inches," she coaxed, pushing, giving it everything she had. But the bull wasn't buying it. He didn't budge. "Arrrg," she growled, frustration nearly getting the better of her. This should have been a piece of cake—an easy load-up. Ha! Bull-headed Buford messed that up deciding he wanted off rather than on. Just Maddie's luck. And what was new about that? "Nothing," she grumbled. She wasn't a whiner, but there was no getting around the hard truth that most things in Maddie's life hadn't come easy. She'd been fighting for survival since the moment of her existence—a sickly baby only a few weeks old at best estimation, found alone, sitting in a carseat. Yup—just sitting on the steps of the post office like she belonged there. Obviously, she didn't belong anywhere. Maybe before that, but unlike most people Maddie had no recollection, no records, nothing...as far as her life record went she hadn't existed until that day in the post office when she was found. If she'd been a whiner she wouldn't have made it. No, Maddie was a survivor so she'd grown used to days like today. But it sure was getting old. Buford's attitude was a sharp reminder she'd better not get comfortable with the good fortune that had recently come her way. Owner. The thought dazzled her. Like a beautiful sparkly gift under the Christmas tree that she knew had to belong to someone else...an