Derwin L Gray

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Alle Bücher von Derwin L Gray

Cover des Buches Limitless Life (ISBN: 9781400205363)

Limitless Life

Erschienen am 03.09.2013

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Cover des Buches Limitless Life (ISBN: 9781400205363)
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Rezension zu "Limitless Life" von Derwin L Gray

blessedvor 10 Jahren
An essential and excellent resource

The blurb says:
Afraid. Failure. Addict. Orphan. Damaged Goods. Purposeless. We all pick up labels that define us. But most aren’t true and put false limits on our lives. Thankfully, Jesus came to remove these labels and allow us to see ourselves as God does. In this transformational message, Pastor Derwin Gray reveals the amazing freedom we can find in Christ and the new labels he offers: Grace-covered. Courageous. Free. Purposeful. Faithful.
This book does everything that it says it will and more. So much more.

I think it is safe to say that almost all of us carry one or more destructive label at one point or another, whether it is a label stuck on by someone else or more often than not by ourselves. I am talking of labels such as afraid, mess, failure and purposeless. What all these labels have in common is that they limit us. Not only that, they prevent us from living the limitless life we have been created for, the limitless life we can find in Christ.

Chapter by chapter Pastor Derwin Gray helps us remove these negative labels and replace them with positives one. To do so, he provides a number of keys needed to trade the old for the new label. The book contains numerous biblical examples as well as real-life ones from Pastor Derwin’s own life or those of members of Transformation Church, the multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission-shaped church he pastors. Each chapter ends with a transformation moment consisting of a head, heart and hands section. The head part is a short summary of the preceding chapter, the heart section offers a prayer and the hands one encourages appropriate action relating to the lesson learned from the preceding chapter.

I particularly liked the invitation to craft one’s own life vision in chapter 9. I really got so much out of this book and highly recommend it to everyone. You should see my copy. It’s very colourful as I kept highlighting, underlining and making notes in the margin. Limitless Life is a very valuable book and such an essential and excellent resource. I really can’t recommend it enough.

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