ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Seducing The Galaxy Lord (Paranormal Sci Fi Alpha Male Romance) (Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Romance)
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***** READ FOR FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITED ***** ** Includes fifteen free stories from the Romance Reading Room Library! ** In a galaxy far, far away, there is a planet called Earth. It is dying, and needs a special heroine to save it. Finding love whilst doing it will be a bonus! Earthling Fiona Starking is on a space ship, on her way to an arranged marraige in another galaxy. Her prospective husband is apparently a womanizer, cruel and vain. But she's prepared to take her chances to save her home. The planet Borrin has promised to help save Earth. But what other secret agendas does it hold? Will it live up to its promises? Seducing The Galaxy Lord is a romantic tale of trust, loyalty and sacrifice, and how those inevitably leads to a perfect romance. Download and enjoy this galactic romantic tale now!