Fatally Flaky

Cover des Buches Fatally Flaky (ISBN: 9780061348143)
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It s a long, rainy summer for Goldy Schulz, who is busily engaged in planning and catering wedding receptions. It s bad enough that a bride from hell, whose wedding is two days away, wants to change the location of her reception to the Gold Gulch Spa. But then a beloved local physician, Doc Finn, is found murdered. Doc s best friend, who is also Goldy s godfather Jack, insists that Doc was investigating a town scandal that is potentially explosive. Before long, Jack himself is attacked and he writes some cryptic notes that seem to refer to the spa.§When Jack dies under mysterious circumstances, Goldy is determined to find out what happened. So she takes a job cooking low-fat food at the suspicious spa. But a clever killer is watching her every move and waiting for a chance to make the scandal explode in Goldy s face permanently.


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Umfang:432 Seiten

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