Campioni: Dolce and Gabbana Soccer Players
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HardCover. Pub Date :2012-11-06 Pages: 560 Language: English Publisher:. Rizzoli Internationally famous soccer stars are transformed into fashion icons in the imagination of Dolce & Gabbana Acclaimed fashion designer Domenico Dolce - working behind the camera as a photographer for the first time -.. assembles a virtual gallery of famous athletes from the world of soccer His sensuous. sexy photographs reveal their power and hidden charm. their masculinity and hidden sensitivity Among the famous soccer stars featured here are Pato. Boateng. Borini. and El Shaarawy as well as many young up-and-coming players. Dolce is one of the world's most acclaimed designers who has used fashion to enhance the beauty of men. This handsome volume is the product of his very personal and candid search to create a unique synthesis between the world of sports and glamour.