Mercury as a Global PollutantProceedings of the Third International Conference held in Whistler, British Columbia, July 10–14, 1994

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xiv PART I MERCURY AND HUMAN HEALTH B. WHEATLEY and S. PARADIS I Exposure of Canadian Aboriginal Peoples to Methylmercury 3-11 M. GIRARD and C. DUMONT I Exposure of James Bay Cree to Methylmercury during Pregnancy for the Years 1983-91 13-19 M. RICHARDSON, M. MITCHELL, S. COAD and R. RAPHAEL I Exposure to Mercury in Canada: A Multimedia Analysis 21-30 M. RICHARDSON, M. EGYED and D. J. CURRIE I Human Exposure to Mercury may Decrease as Acidic Deposition Increases 31-39 L. E. FLEMING, S. WATKINS, R. KADERMAN, B. LEVIN, D. R. AVYAR, M. BIZZIO, D. STEPHENS and J. A. BEAN I Mercury Exposure in Humans through Food Consumption from the Everglades of Florida 41-48 J. M. GEARHART, H. J. CLEWELL III, K. S. CRUMP, A. M. SHIPP and A. SILVERS I Pharmacokinetic Dose Estimates of Mercury in Children and Dose-Response Curves of Performance Tests in a Large Epidemiological Study 49-58 I. SKARE I Mass Balance and Systemic Uptake of Mercury Released from Dental Amalgam Fillings 59-67 J. DELLINGER, N. KMIECIK, S. GERSTENBERGER and H. NGU I Mercury Contamina tion of Fish in the Ojibwa Diet: I. Walleye Fillets and Skin-On versus Skin-Off Sampling 69-76 J. DELLINGER, L. MALEK and M. BEATTIE I Mercury Contamination of Fish in the Ojibwa Diet: II. Sensory Evoked Responses in Rats Fed Walleye 77-83 H. AKAGI, O. MALM, F. J. P. BRANCHES, Y. KINJO, Y. KASHIMA, J. R. D. GUIMARAES, R. B. OLIVEIRA, K. HARAGUCHI, W. C. PFEIFFER, Y.


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Umfang:1340 Seiten
Verlag:Springer Netherlands

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