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Children of the heart are people who immediately know what the other person needs, who rush to help and take on tasks for the community because they sense what the other person is feeling. Sometimes they feel this so strongly that they put their own needs aside if it could hurt others. These people are usually very popular and everyone wants to be around them.
What initially was the observation of a behavioural pattern of children and adolescents in a paediatric practice with a developmental medicine focus could be worked out even more clearly in a study. As communication in the mirror neuron network in the brain is actually increased, we have also named them hypermirroring children.
They could be the "new" children who lead us into a more empathetic, more social society. It is therefore important to recognise them and respect their special talents, but also to provide them with a nurturing and protective environment so that they can develop their full potential. In this book you will find questionnaires to find out more about your child's talents, as well as many suggestions for support and environment design. There is a chapter on the brain and many perspectives on different directions of human evolution.
What initially was the observation of a behavioural pattern of children and adolescents in a paediatric practice with a developmental medicine focus could be worked out even more clearly in a study. As communication in the mirror neuron network in the brain is actually increased, we have also named them hypermirroring children.
They could be the "new" children who lead us into a more empathetic, more social society. It is therefore important to recognise them and respect their special talents, but also to provide them with a nurturing and protective environment so that they can develop their full potential. In this book you will find questionnaires to find out more about your child's talents, as well as many suggestions for support and environment design. There is a chapter on the brain and many perspectives on different directions of human evolution.
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Umfang:200 Seiten
Verlag:Verlag Entwicklungsheilkunde