Discovering Darkness: A Coming of Age Fantasy Novel (Brightling Becoming Book 1)

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Kate Portal has been watching a stranger. Discreetly. Secretly. Or so she thinks. But when that stranger forces an introduction, Kate is mesmerized by her blue eyes and confidence, and though she tries to resist the attraction, she can’t. Kate grows to care deeply for Amanda Knight, and discovers Amanda is concealing a secret. A secret that both terrorizes and sickens Kate. Yet she can’t walk away. Because the darkness is in her too. Only Amanda calls it brightness and informs Kate she is a Brightling Becoming. Gripping and provocative, Discovering Darkness is a fast-paced, paranormal, coming of age fantasy novel, that will keep you in its grip until the final page and beyond. This book contains strong language. I was staring at the ground when she spoke, and I felt my body respond and draw toward her as if each of my cells wished to reach across the space between us and join hers. What was she asking me? I lifted my head and my eyes found hers. I licked my lips, hoping, yearning, needing a kiss. “May I carry your books?”


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Umfang:240 Seiten

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