An Analytical Method forWind Farm Electricity Market Participation and Electrical Network Integration

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In this research, an analytical method for electricity market participation and electrical network integration of wind farms is proposed. The electricity market is cleared by an innovative unit commitment. In addition to system and unit constraints, the objective function of the unit commitment is subjected to a novel emission constraint with adaptive emission cap, a network security constraint, and a reliability constraint. For the purpose of inclusion of wind farms in the unit commitment program, a wind farm output power forecast uncertainty model in order to assess adequacy of the generation system is developed.

Based on the developed unit commitment for electricity market participation of wind farms, an optimized coordinated operation strategy is designed in order to tackle obstacles in practical participation of wind farms into energy markets where balancing penalties do exist. A coordinated operation strategy in the framework of a virtual power plant (VPP) is developed.

As a part of the VPP operation, it is shown how aggregated electric vehicles (EVs) which are scheduled for optimized charging by the VPP can react locally on the incidents in the network by provision of primary control reserve. This way, EVs can contribute to network integration of wind farms. It is shown by simulation how the immediate response of EVs by local droop control enhances the effectiveness of EVs’ contribution to the power system stability.

As a distribution network level resource of the VPP, a Power Park is designed and introduced. Distributed energy resources are included in the Power Park. A method to
assess positive and negative energy reserves to compensate for forecast uncertainty of renewable power generation is developed. An optimized scheduling method is devised in order to enhance the overall revenue of operation of the Power Park. The VPP aggregates Power Parks and makes them visible for the energy market and ancillary service market.


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Umfang:168 Seiten

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