The Ice Cream Man (Korbel Classic Romance Humorous Series, Book 1)

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Divorcee Jenny Lake suspects the new ice cream man, Nick Barnett, is selling more than bompops off his truck. The neighbors think Nick is dealing drugs. Nick fears Jenny is more than the frazzled mom of two she portrays, as all evidence makes her suspect number one in his check-kiting case. Of course, Nick also knows a cop should never fall in love with his suspect. And a man who can't tolerate kids shouldn't love a woman who wants a houseful. But somehow he keeps forgetting as he does everything possible to prove the evidence wrong. AWARDS: RITA Award, Winner KORBEL CLASSICS: HUMOROUS SERIES, in order The Ice Cream Man Isn't It Romantic? A Prince of a Guy Princess and the Pea A Fine Madness ALSO by Eileen Dreyer: Nothing Personal Brain Dead Bad Medicine If Looks Could Kill ABOUT EILEEN DREYER: New York Times bestselling author Eileen Dreyer has been inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame, nominated for the Anthony Award and is a retired trauma nurse. Also trained in forensic nursing and death investigation, Eileen doesn't see herself actively working in those fields, unless this writing thing doesn't pan out.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:ePublishing Works!

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