All Our Wrong Todays: A BBC Radio 2 Book Club Choice 2017

Cover des Buches All Our Wrong Todays: A BBC Radio 2 Book Club Choice 2017 (ISBN: 9781405927017)
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'A witty, time-travelling romance' Maria Semple, author of Where'd You Go, Bernadette

This is a love story that could only happen because of an accident of time travel.

Tom and Penny belong to a world so perfect there's no war, no poverty, no under-ripe avocados.

But when something awful happens to Penny, and Tom tries to make it right, he accidentally destroys everything, waking up in our broken, dysfunctional world.

Only here, Penny and Tom have a second chance.

Should Tom go back to his brilliant but loveless existence, or risk everything by staying in our messy, complicated world for his one and only chance at true love?

'Thrilling and refreshingly optimistic' Andy Weir, author of The Martian

'Sharp and funny' Daily Mail

'It's a Wonderful Life meets The Jetsons' Buzzfeed

'All Our Wrong Todays is an entertaining romp that should appeal to fans The Time Traveler's Wife' The Guardian, BEST RECENT SCIENCE FICTION


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:393 Seiten

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