Legacy of Kings

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vor 9 Jahren

Grandiose Kombi von Historie, Fiktion und Fantasy. Dazu gnadenlos gut recherchiert. Echt überraschend & beeindruckend!

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vor 9 Jahren

Ein spannender und unterhaltsamer Mix aus Historie & Phantasie

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Imagine a time when the gods turn a blind eye to the agony of men, when the last of the hellions roam the plains, and evil stirs beyond the edges of the map. A time when cities burn, and in their ashes, empires rise.

Alexander, Macedon's sixteen-year-old heir, is on the brink of discovering his fated role in conquering the known world, but finds himself drawn to a newcomer

Katerina must navigate the dark secrets of court life while keeping hidden her own mission: kill the queen. But she doesn't account for her first love

Jacob will go to unthinkable lengths to win Katerina, even if it means having to compete with Hephaestion, a murderer sheltered by the prince.

And far across the sea, Zofia, a Persian princess and Alexander's unmet betrothed, wants to alter her destiny by seeking the famed and deadly Spirit Eaters.

Weaving fantasy with the shocking details of real history, New York Times bestselling author of Sex with Kings Eleanor Herman reimagines the greatest emperor the world has ever known, Alexander the Great, in the first book of the Blood of Gods and Royals series."


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:384 Seiten

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