The Girl With The Tiger Tattoo And The Magnificent Six

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When a baby girl is born in a hospital in Moscow with a tiger tattoo on her back, no one knew what that meant even after her disappearance at the age of seven. Why did her parents keep it a secret? Jealous and greediness ignited a deadly game of threats and blackmail that culminated in the brutal murder of Nick's father. When the most powerful man in the country sees them as a threat, with nowhere to hide, how will their destiny unfolds? What does it mean to honor and to protect? Can you escape your destiny? The birth of 7 identical girls with strange tattoos. Strange happenings witnessed by the parents at baptisms and throughout young age. Realization that the girls were special. Incidents and unexplained happenings everywhere. Parents struggle to find answers and meaning.


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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:368 Seiten

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