Awakened Vampire: PARANORMAL VAMPIRE ROMANCE: Awakened Vampire (Forest door to darkness bad stranger boy vampire romance)

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Awakened Vampire Forest Door To Darkness If you think it's safe to walk alone in enchanted forests, you’d better rethink because it it's not. And if you believe there are no fears and threats that may endanger you, then you’d better stay indoors. Demons exist and monsters as well as supernatural forces do exist. Hey, don’t walk alone, vampires will be chasing your way and scare you like you never expected. When your fears become truth and your nightmares suffocate your breath, in that instance, you will know that vampires aren’t a joke. And Elijah is about to become one of them. His name is Elijah. He used to be an ordinary boy, he used to enjoy living an ordinary life, until the day he entered the enchanted forest with his friend Roy. But he never found his friend in the way he used to. Kidnapped then bitten by his only friend Roy, Elijah wakes up cursed to be a vampire and becomes forced to live in shades in a new world he never knew, until he meets Savannah, A girl disguised as a book seller. Meeting her, everything changes, cards are scrambled and love knocks Elijah’s door. Story Synopsis Elijah, who was enjoying his life with his family and only friends but all of a sudden he was kidnapped with his friend into an enchanted forest and enclosed in a small cottages, after soothing hit his head and when he woke up he saw his friend was stabbed and severely injured besides him, but as he wanted to get up and check on his friend, Elijah was bitten on his neck by his friend Roy, then before even being able to realize what happened to him, Roy dies leaving Elijah speechless and injured, then Elijah fell asleep again and when he woke up, and got out of the cottage, he realized that his skin was burning and that he couldn’t bear the light, and investigating his body, he noticed that he had claws and that he could only survive in the shadows, he started to walk around him to get back home but the place he was in didn’t look like his home, and still trying to figure out where he was, he started wandering in the forests until he saw a girl standing on the edge of a cliff, she was closing her eyes and ready to commit suicide, when he intervened to save her from her perpetual death, but as he was trying to save her, their legs slipped and they fell into the deep water under the cliff. It was then when Elijah found out that he was able to breathe underwater and that his eyes were like lamps, and to his big surprise he had to save that girl by getting her out of the water and her face turned out to be blue, and she looked suffocated, he found himself obliged to make CPR for her and it was his first kiss with that girl. After few hours, Elijah realized that he travelled in time and that he became a vampire, he tried hard to find out a way back but in vain, but while he was in the new setting a village in Edmonton, some people were able to recognize his face. A girl comes to him and says she used to be his beloved before he disappears, but Elijah felt lost and couldn’t remember anything at all, but he decided to stay by her side maybe he could find out what happened to him. That girl was a dealer who buys goods from people. Elijah works with her until one day, a girl disguised into a man’s clothing to sell her books but when he saw her, Elijah remembers her, she was the same girl who tried to commit suicide, but as she was showing him the books, her hair was spread all of a sudden and her secret was discovered, and the girl didn’t know what to do, so she stumbled and fell on him, holding her, their eyes crossed for the first time and their lips touched. And from that day on, he couldn’t forget about her despite he was torn between saving his soul and staying away from people, he couldn’t forget about that girl. And coincidence played a major role in their relationship. AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a 13860 stand-alone story with an HEA, so no cliff-hangers! Story contains mature themes and language, and is intended for 18


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