LUCAS: Paranormal Romance (Southern Shifters Book 1)

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Summer Sale! FREE for a limited time only. You can also pick up the bundle of the first 3 novels for $6.99 ($12 value!) Book 1 in the bestselling, Southern Shifter Series Kira MacDonald is in trouble. Plagued by false visions and erotic dreams of a man she's never met, she fears losing both her psychic powers and her sanity. The cure? Finding and bonding with her mate. The stubborn red-haired warrior might not want one, but fate has other plans, plans that include her rescuing Lucas Gunn. As the Guardian of his shape-shifting clan, Lucas Gunn lived a quiet, solitary life. Until he was kidnapped, examined, and tortured. Now imprisoned, his only tie to the outside world is the memory of his dreams and the passionate woman who appears nightly in them. He thought she was nothing more than a vision. Then she came for him. An uneasy alliance, a mating call that won't be denied, rituals that must be honored, and unrelenting enemies who will stop at nothing to get what they want. It all comes together in the first of Eliza Gayle's sensational Southern Shifter Series. Passion and Pride. Duty and Danger. In the end, there's really only one choice...for Lucas. You may also enjoy Eliza Gayle's Untamed Magick, the first in the Pentacles of Magick paranormal romance series. If you enjoy this book, you might consider signing up for my newsletter list to be notified when new books are available. Simply visit


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:242 Seiten
Verlag:Gypsy Ink Books

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