A Hard Day's Night

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Can't wait to read We Can Work It Out? Return to the world of Penny Lane Bloom with three all new e-book short stories that pick up right where The Lonely Hearts Club left off! Penny Lane Bloom, founder of The Lonely Hearts Club, has never loved Halloween. Her dad's a dentist, so she's never been allowed much in the way of candy. And forget being a witch or a ghost or a superhero--Penny is always one of the Beatles, along with the rest of her family. But this year, she's got the Club, and the support of an amazing group of girls who all have each other's backs. So when someone tries to ruin Halloween for one member, the Club sets out to prove revenge is a dish best served en masse. Don't miss all three e-shorts from romantic comedy superstar Elizabeth Eulberg. Each one contains a sneak peek at an excerpt from her return to the world of the LHC, We Can Work It Out!


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:33 Seiten

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