Staircase to the Moon

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Perth, Western Australia, 1913: When her conservative family tries to force Emily into an arranged marriage with a much older, wealthy man, she takes destiny into her own hands and escapes her strict father and overbearing brothers. She embarks on a ship to North-Western Australia to take up employment as a private seamstress for a rich farming family, who welcome her with open arms. Surrounded by the breathtakingly beautiful and remote landscapes of the Kimberly region, Emily starts to believe that happiness and love really are possible in her new life. But storm clouds are gathering, and as the men of Kimberley march off to war in Europe, Emily must step up to prove herself against all the odds. And that’s when things start to turn out much more differently than she ever could have imagined..."Staircase to the Moon," follows Emily's fantastic odyssey to true love, featuring a cast of unforgettable characters along the way.

With an eye for detail, Elizabeth Haran is the author of numerous other romantic adventures including "Island of Whispering Winds," "Under a Flaming Sky," "Flight of the Jabiru," and "River of Fortune," available as eBooks.

For fans of sagas set against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes, like Sarah Lark's, "Island of a Thousand Springs" or Kate Morton's, "The Forgotten Garden."

About the author: Elizabeth Haran was born in Bulawayo, Rhodes ia and migrated to Australia as a child. She lives with her family in Adelaide and has written fourteen novels set in Australia. Her heart-warming and carefully crafted books have been published in ten countries and are bestsellers in Germany.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:600 Seiten
Verlag:Bastei Lübbe

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