Emmett Matthew
Autor*in von Forgotten Heritage.
Matthew Emmett, 44, is a graphic designer at a toy company. He lives with his two boys and partner in the south of the UK. A desire to discover and experience new places is in his blood and he spent much of his 20s travelling extensively throughout India and South East Asia. These days he still enjoys getting out as often as he can to photograph the abandoned places lying hidden from view all around us. For the last four years he has been capturing the details and character of decaying architecture; from industrial remnants to residential settings. It has fast become an obsession. He enjoys the stories these places have to tell and the clues left behind by previous occupants. This book is the culmination of many trips around the UK and Europe. Matthew is a product ambassador for Pentax. He does commissioned work for a variety of clients, runs photography workshops and sells his images through several galleries. This is his first published book. However, he plans to continue shooting abandoned places and is looking forward to number two.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
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Forgotten Heritage
Erschienen am 01.08.2016
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