Erik Schubach

 4,8 Sterne bei 124 Bewertungen

Alle Bücher von Erik Schubach

Cover des Buches A Deafening Whisper (ISBN: 9781484192993)

A Deafening Whisper

Erschienen am 22.04.2013
Cover des Buches Dating Game (ISBN: 9781484998083)

Dating Game

Erschienen am 17.05.2013
Cover des Buches Karaoke Queen (ISBN: 9781490436920)

Karaoke Queen

Erschienen am 15.06.2013
Cover des Buches Music of the Soul (ISBN: 9781484130124)

Music of the Soul

Erschienen am 17.03.2013
Cover des Buches Syncopated Rhythm (ISBN: B0743KSY1R)

Syncopated Rhythm

Erschienen am 25.07.2017
Cover des Buches Broken Song (ISBN: 9780991107209)

Broken Song

Erschienen am 11.12.2013
Cover des Buches Dead Shot (ISBN: 9780990980629)

Dead Shot

Erschienen am 18.12.2014

Neue Rezensionen zu Erik Schubach

Cover des Buches Flotilla: The Temp (ISBN: 9780998511085)
Buechermaus96s avatar

Rezension zu "Flotilla: The Temp" von Erik Schubach

Erik Schubach At His Best!
Buechermaus96vor 7 Jahren

Erik Schubach: "Flotilla: The Temp"

First and foremost: there is no way I could possibly describe how much I loved this book.

It put some kind of spell over me making it impossible for me to put it down.

I can only guess what exactly elicited this reaction in me, but I think it has something to do with the unique characters and the cute, even a little sappy romance.

I find it fascinating that Erik Schubachs characters always have some quirks making them stand out - not in an unpleasant way of course.

Introducing demisexuality and gender fluidity to "common" literature is simply awesome! I couldn't be more grateful as Erik Schubach always gets me to broaden my horizon just a little more and that makes me hope others will too, making this world little by little more tolerant.

Cover des Buches London Harmony: Roctoberfest (ISBN: 9780990980681)
Buechermaus96s avatar

Rezension zu "London Harmony: Roctoberfest" von Erik Schubach

Can't wait for more!
Buechermaus96vor 9 Jahren

Erik Schubach: "Roctoberfest"

What a surprise... another book of Erik's that is absoltutely loveable ;)
The characters were fun - all of them, the protagonists as well as the secondary characters.
I liked especially Mei. She has a family one only can be envious of. And she herself is some admirable character. I can't imagine how I could live with the loss of my arm... and she fought her way back. Simply marvelous.
The idea to create a "remake" of karaoke queen was brilliant. I loved this book back then, so I was over the moon when I read the prologue, where the competition was announced.
I just coul not put it down. I loved it!
And hated it... especially this reeeeeally cruel hint at the end... I can't wait for "Small Fry"!

Cover des Buches London Harmony: Feel the Beat (ISBN: 9780990980667)
Buechermaus96s avatar

Rezension zu "London Harmony: Feel the Beat" von Erik Schubach

Feel the Beat!
Buechermaus96vor 10 Jahren

Erik Schubach: "London Harmony: Feel the Beat"

As expected I loved this book.
The protagonists are quite special (again - like always - I mean this in a positive way - stop looking at me like that!). 
Abigail's synesthesia combined with her music makes mealmostt wish I could experience this too. It was not the first time that I read a book in which the main character "suffered" from this, but here it was much more enthralling because of the combination with her limited eyesight. So it became more clear how she experiences life.
Tink would bequite intriguing to look at I believe, because of her unique style (e.g. with her tattoos).
I liked the style the prologue and epilogue are done very much, because so it is possible to have a look at the lifes of long-known characters. (Even if I find myself craving for more afterwards ;) ).
I can't wait for the next London Harmony book... it's still way too long... :c

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