Rezension zu "Flotilla: The Temp" von Erik Schubach
Erik Schubach: "Flotilla: The Temp"
First and foremost: there is no way I could possibly describe how much I loved this book.
It put some kind of spell over me making it impossible for me to put it down.
I can only guess what exactly elicited this reaction in me, but I think it has something to do with the unique characters and the cute, even a little sappy romance.
I find it fascinating that Erik Schubachs characters always have some quirks making them stand out - not in an unpleasant way of course.
Introducing demisexuality and gender fluidity to "common" literature is simply awesome! I couldn't be more grateful as Erik Schubach always gets me to broaden my horizon just a little more and that makes me hope others will too, making this world little by little more tolerant.