Emily Monroe is Not the Chosen One: Night Shift, Volume 1
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Emily Monroe may be a lot of things, but one thing is for sure: She is not the Chosen One.
Emily is a normal girl working at Big Burger who has the unfortunate luck to look exactly like Big City's superhero darling, the Chosen One. It has been the bane of her existence, as it disrupts her life and the lives of those around her when supervillains come knocking, wanting to prove their mettle by fighting the Chosen One. Nobody listens when she insists she isn't who they think she is.
With common sense and years of rage built up inside, she usually serves their butts to them on a platter, asking, "Did you want fries with that?"
No cape required.
Emily is a normal girl working at Big Burger who has the unfortunate luck to look exactly like Big City's superhero darling, the Chosen One. It has been the bane of her existence, as it disrupts her life and the lives of those around her when supervillains come knocking, wanting to prove their mettle by fighting the Chosen One. Nobody listens when she insists she isn't who they think she is.
With common sense and years of rage built up inside, she usually serves their butts to them on a platter, asking, "Did you want fries with that?"
No cape required.
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Verlag:Erik Schubach
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5 Sterne