Alle Bücher von Flora Madison

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This book is about a second chance, but not as usual for an ex-couple but for King. He has been in prison. Now he and his friends opened a Tatoostudio and theyre well off.Ronnie never would date an ex-convict. But then there was King.
Its an short nice read about second chances,hot insta love and trust. I love the writing of Flora Madison. So clear and straight that every sentence is a seduction of the reader.
Now I yearn for Phoenix.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Mikey and Ryker

This one goes really fast, its not only insta - love, its insta - love at the first sight. The tension is high and both characters have their reasons to deny, but insta love wouldn't be insta  - love if they don't find a way to heal their hearts at once. It's a nice short read with a great story two well described characters and a great difference in their lives. They need to solve. City or Cabin in the woods. The body goes where the heart lives.
Fine one for an hour or two.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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