Wicked Autumn (Max Tudor 1)

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Max Tudor has adapted well to his post as vicar of St Edwold's in the idyllic village of Nether Monkslip. The quiet village seems the perfect home for Max, who has fled a harrowing past as an MI5 agent. Now he has sound a measure of peace among urban escapees and yoga practitioners, artists and crafters and New Agers. But this new-found serenity is quickly shattered when the highly vocal and unpopular president of the Women's Institute turns up dead at the Harvest Fayre. The death looks like an accident but Max's training as a former agent kicks in, and before long he suspects foul play... In Wicked Autumn, G M Malliet serves up an irresistible English village - deliciously skewered - a flawed but engaging protagonist and a brilliantly modern version of the traditional locked room mystery. Praise for G.M.Maillet's Max Tudor series: 'G M Malliet has brought the village cosy into the twenty first century... Wicked Autumn is a refreshing read for everyone who loves a really good murder.'Charles Todd.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:321 Seiten
Verlag:C & R Crime

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