Gabriele D.R. Guenther

 5 Sterne bei 2 Bewertungen


A poet and painter, Gabriele D.R. Guenther born and raised in Japan, educated at the University of Toronto in Canada is currently living and working in Berlin, Germany. She is also a translator specialising in film subtitling and has also resided in Amsterdam, Paris, NYC and Cologne. Her work has won awards in the UK and Canada and been published in numerous Canadian, American and British literary journals and anthologies such as the Antioch Review, Chicago Review, the New Quarterly, Fiddlehead, Prairie Schooner, Event, Stand Magazine, Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme, 1997 Anthology of Magazine Verse & Yearbook of American Poetry and the Malahat Review. This is her first collection of poetry.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Gabriele D.R. Guenther

Cover des Buches This Could Be You Composing Me (ISBN: 9783741859243)

This Could Be You Composing Me

Erschienen am 21.10.2016
Cover des Buches Small Sky Falling (ISBN: 9783746770314)

Small Sky Falling

Erschienen am 14.10.2018

Neue Rezensionen zu Gabriele D.R. Guenther

Cover des Buches This Could Be You Composing Me (ISBN: 9783741859243)

Rezension zu "This Could Be You Composing Me" von Gabriele D.R. Guenther
querbrueche-berlinvor 6 Jahren

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