The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps- Balanced Eating in the 21st Century -

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When you have a greater connection to your food, you have more power to control your health and your environment. The step-by-step approach for this book was developed over years of experience in macrobiotic counseling and teaching by the authors, and is most helpful in achieving a lasting, health-supportive lifestyle.
This exciting collaboration between globally acclaimed macrobiotic teacher Michio Kushi and one of his senior students (and daughter-in-law) Gabriele Kushi will guide and support you as you learn to skillfully employ many techniques to help you enjoy all the essential natural and whole food groups in each season.
• The Macrobiotic Kitchen in Ten Easy Steps supports healthy daily eating practices and offers suggestions for family meals as well as workable lifestyle solutions.
• In addition to plans for regular meals, guidelines are included for healing meals that provide inspiration for a lifetime of wellness.
• The book contains inspirational color photos of many dishes, as well as illustrations and charts that explain cooking techniques on how to prepare dishes for all seasons.
• Vegan and gluten-free recipes as well as recommendations for suitable food proportions provide an easy way to create delicious, yin-yang balanced meals.
• The authors clarify the unique macrobiotic wellness approach and profound holistic system of living in harmony with nature in relation to seasonal, local, and sustainable food and lifestyle choices.
• This book also provides a significant amount of up-to-date, peer-reviewed scientific documentation that supports major macrobiotic teachings on health and nutrition.


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Umfang:218 Seiten

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