The german slave Bimbo 6
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My name is Gina Weiß. I've been writing erotic books for some time now. Like my book series"Bumsgeschichten". But now I would like to dedicate myself to a new project.
"The german slave Bimbo 6" is an erotic series of short stories. In the sixth part of this series, I surrender myself. This story is about a fictitious reality. An alternate reality in which I have failed in life. I desperately responded to an ad I had seen in a forum for swingers. The client, a young, rich Iranian, had invited me to the trial weekend.
I convinced Djamil to hire me. And now he's my new master. With whom I share many amorous experiences.
Your Gina Weiß
"The german slave Bimbo 6" is an erotic series of short stories. In the sixth part of this series, I surrender myself. This story is about a fictitious reality. An alternate reality in which I have failed in life. I desperately responded to an ad I had seen in a forum for swingers. The client, a young, rich Iranian, had invited me to the trial weekend.
I convinced Djamil to hire me. And now he's my new master. With whom I share many amorous experiences.
Your Gina Weiß
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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:88 Seiten