Moonstruck Volume 1: Magic to Brew
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Ein LovelyBooks-Nutzer
vor 6 Jahren
Extrem süß aber zeitweise wird mir die Story zu verwirrend, Volume 2 werde ich mir aber auf alle Fälle holen :)
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Werewolf barista Julie and her new girlfriend go on a date to a close-up magic show, but all heck breaks loose when the magician casts a horrible spell on their friend Chet. Now it's up to the team of mythical pals to stop the illicit illusionist before it's too late.
The first chapter of the brand new, all-ages magical coffee-laden adventure from Lumberjanes creator GRACE ELLIS and talented newcomer SHAE BEAGLE.
Collects issues 1 through 5
The first chapter of the brand new, all-ages magical coffee-laden adventure from Lumberjanes creator GRACE ELLIS and talented newcomer SHAE BEAGLE.
Collects issues 1 through 5