“Legal & Humanitarian Terms & Phrases Explained. What Do The Words Mean?A Dictionary on The “European Refugee Crisis“ 2015-2018

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While words can mean different things to different people in different contexts, specialists excel in using terms and expressions, which non-specialists ~ quite often ~ find challenging to understand. This is also the case in the areas of legal and humanitarian work. My aim is to simplify complex subject matters and to encourage a deeper understanding of some of legal, political and social issues related to the subject areas of migration and displacements in the European context (“European refugee crisis“).

In order to facilitate your understanding of various humanitarian and legal topics of discussion, I have ~ in the this book ~ compiled some of the words and phrases, that are used in international and national media outlets about the Greek and European “refugee crisis and emergency response.“ I have also included a list of commonly used abbreviations. The content of this book relates to 2015-2018 and is not meant to be comprehensive.


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