Secret LondonUnusual Bars & Restaurants

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Have lunch with the inmates of a high security prison, stroll through a sex shop into a Mexican restaurant, sing your heart out in a clandestine Korean karaoke club, tap your toes in a gypsy swing club, get pickled in a marooned Irish pub, join the sixties club that’s still swinging, drink cappuccinos made by murderous bikers, play petanque in a central London cellar, tap an oak-tree trunk for whisky …

Discover over 140 places with eye-popping decor, eccentric owners, and unusual menus. This guide to London’s most peculiar and under-the-radar bars and restaurants is for serious foodies, intrepid drinkers, urban explorers — and anyone curious to discover the infinite possibilities to have fun in London.

“The perfect gift for that friend who thinks Café Rouge is a bit exotic.” –

“I put the guide to the test around Covent Garden and Soho – two of the most touristy parts of the capital – and uncovered a host of gems I’d never encountered before, despite living there for seven years.” – Rob McFarland, Australian Traveller


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten
Verlag:Jonglez Verlag

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