Hans Kreis

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Hans Kreis built up one the most successful businesses in the communications industry in just a few short years. At the peak of his career, he sold his company and has spent the time since then as a sought-after coach and author of several popular books. Visions coaching, a method he developed focussing on the power of longing and mindfulness, has since even gained a foothold in the clinical context. 'Natural born breaker' Hans Kreis knows, not just from his work with high performers, but also from his own experience how important a short break can be for your personal well-being. He lives and works in Italy and Germany.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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Cover des Buches Die Espresso-Strategie (ISBN: 9783899013337)
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Rezension zu "Die Espresso-Strategie" von Hans Kreis

Rezension zu "Die Espresso-Strategie" von Hans Kreis
Katevor 14 Jahren

Ach du schöne heile Welt, wie einfach doch alles ist. Mach mal Pause und alles ist gut. Auch nicht besser als alle anderen Ratgeber.

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