Magic Research for BeginnersQuestions, Experiments, Conclusions and Models
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Research is very important in magic for everyone, because only by one's own experiences and factual conclusions from these experiences one may reach a "magical worldview" that is firmly grounded in reality.
By careful research, one can avoid drifting into fantasy worlds - or missing out on magic altogether ... both of which would make life unnecessarily difficult.
In this book, the practical instructions for 70 different experiments are listed along with the conclusions that can be drawn from them. These experiments begin with the simple demonstration of telepathy and telekinesis and eventually lead to a simple, though perhaps unusual, model of magic.
By careful research, one can avoid drifting into fantasy worlds - or missing out on magic altogether ... both of which would make life unnecessarily difficult.
In this book, the practical instructions for 70 different experiments are listed along with the conclusions that can be drawn from them. These experiments begin with the simple demonstration of telepathy and telekinesis and eventually lead to a simple, though perhaps unusual, model of magic.
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Umfang:140 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand
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