Hyper-Gnow HyperwaveThe Next Generation of Web Solution. Forew. by Roebert Cailliau
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Written by the team that created Hyper-G and its commercial version HyperWave, this book ist a definitve reference for the next generation hypermedia system for the Internet. If you have a large, complex and highly dynamic information space, and/or if you have, or are seeking to create, a highly quality multi-author environment, read this book.§Hyper-G was conceived and developed at the IICM of Graz University of Technology, in Austria, by a team headed by Herman Maurer and Frank Kappe, both profilic and widely published authors.§The CD-ROM includes an evaluation copy of the HyperWave server, the native UNIX and MS-Windows clients as well as the HyperWave administration tools.§