Once Upon A King: Harlequin comics (English Edition)
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The passion of one sweet night with the prince left Cara with a gift beyond value…
Cara has always lived a simple life. One day she bumps into a man named Mike at the park. He makes her heart flutter and they spend a sweet night together. But when she wakes, he's gone, and Cara spends the days that follow nursing her broken heart. She's sure that she'll never see him again. Several months later, when she goes to the country of Eliason to help her friend prepare for her wedding, she meets Mike at the airport. There, she learns the shocking truth. He's actually Prince Michael, her friend's older brother and the next in line for the throne!
Cara has always lived a simple life. One day she bumps into a man named Mike at the park. He makes her heart flutter and they spend a sweet night together. But when she wakes, he's gone, and Cara spends the days that follow nursing her broken heart. She's sure that she'll never see him again. Several months later, when she goes to the country of Eliason to help her friend prepare for her wedding, she meets Mike at the airport. There, she learns the shocking truth. He's actually Prince Michael, her friend's older brother and the next in line for the throne!