The essence of loneliness

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Nothing is happening, yet so much has changed. How will we be able to notice all small changes happening over time? Or is that just for the scientists to figure out afterward?

What is happening as we live our lives? What is to become of us in the end? What are you perceiving? Who is entitled to their perspective? What is it like to be human? What is it like to be alive?

In "The Essence Of Loneliness," you delve into the perspectives and minds of two traumatized individuals as they navigate their understanding and coping mechanisms amidst the pain they have endured. Through their journey, they contemplate how the sometimes uncomfortable truth about human behavior influences the future to come. Their perspectives are rooted in the current scientific understanding of the world and human behavior, creating a philosophical and dystopian narrative reminiscent of works like "1984" by George Orwell.

For this second edition, the editing process has utilized the capabilities of ChatGPT3. It has provided assistance in refining the content and language of the book.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:144 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand – Schweden

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