Ingrid Lindemann

Autor*in von Thoughts on Dignity.


Ingrid Lindemann , born 1952 , mother of 5 children, has worked in South America as social worker for many years. Back in Germany she has been involved in work for peace. In particular, she has been interested in the role of women in peacebuilding. She has written many essays, given seminars and travelled to many countries in Europe to present the project "Dignity of Woman" . In 2010 she gave a lecture on the "Dignity of Women" at a parallel event of the 54th CSW ( Commission on the Status of Women) at the UN in New York with an incredibly positive response. Since then the project w has been supported by various NGOs worldwide. Ingrid Lindemann has continued to organise seminars and lectures, often via online video communications.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Ingrid Lindemann

Cover des Buches Thoughts on Dignity (ISBN: 9783757889203)

Thoughts on Dignity

Erschienen am 31.10.2023

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