Creatures of a Day: And Other Tales of Psychotherapy
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In this stunning collection of stories, renowned psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom describes his patients' strugglesas well as his ownto come to terms with the two great challenges of existence: how to have a meaningful life yet reckon with its inevitable end. We meet a nurse who must stifle the pain of losing her son in order to comfort her patients' pains, a newly minted psychologist whose studies damage her treasured memories of a lost friend, and a man whose rejection of psychological inquiry forces even Yalom himself into a crisis of confidence. Creatures of a Day is a radically honest statement about the difficulties of human life, but also a celebration of some of the finest fruitslove, family, friendshipit can offer. Marcus Aurelius has written that we are all creatures of a day.” With Yalom as our guide, we will find the means to make our own day not only bearable, but also meaningful and joyful.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:240 Seiten
Verlag:Basic Books