The Russian's Resistant Lover (The Tonov Triplets Series Book 1)

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She wants the interview of a lifetime. He’s breaking all his rules by talking to her… For a young reporter like Rae St. Germaine, an interview with Russian mafia associate Valov Tonov could change everything. His reputation and criminal ties present an intimidating challenge, but she’s determined to get a good story. One look at his towering height, icy blue eyes, and tattooed body, though, and she knows she’s got her work cut out for her. She’s trying hard to ignore their sexual tension while she digs for dirt, but she quickly discovers there’s more to Valov than his notorious reputation. Valov Tonov fought hard to start over in America, and he’s got the scars to prove it. Now, as one of the notorious Tonov Triplets, most people fear him. But the gorgeous reporter with caramel-kissed skin isn’t backing down, and he’s intrigued by her beauty and her spirit. He’ll give her the truth about who he really is, but if he’s going to spill his secrets, she’d better be willing to share some of her own. With a chemistry neither of them could have expected, will Rae risk their connection for the sake of a story? Book 2, The Russian's Assertive Lover, Available NOW:


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Umfang:67 Seiten

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