Radical Practice Peace of Mind
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We think we know a lot about ourselves, but unfortunately, we often have unfounded opinions about how we and others are.
At the same time, we have no idea how our own brain works and what it is doing to us at the moment, and what fundamental demands this places on us. We consider our thoughts to be true and correct, yet they are so often miserable and simply wrong, and yet they determine our lives.
In "Radical Practice Peace of Mind" you will find the latest research results, further considerations, as well as practical instructions on how to lead a fulfilling life.
At the same time, we have no idea how our own brain works and what it is doing to us at the moment, and what fundamental demands this places on us. We consider our thoughts to be true and correct, yet they are so often miserable and simply wrong, and yet they determine our lives.
In "Radical Practice Peace of Mind" you will find the latest research results, further considerations, as well as practical instructions on how to lead a fulfilling life.