Lex and Lu

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Louisa May Knight, the intellectual, and Lex Pelliterri, the soccer superstar, were childhood sweethearts. Lex, with his irreverent, outgoing personality brought out the fun-loving side of his serious next-door neighbor, Lu.  Together they experienced the excitement of first love and shared their dreams for the future until their well-meaning parents forced them apart. Now, eight years later, a tragedy brings Lex and Lu back together for the first time.  As they deal with the tribulations of the present and the pain of their past, they find themselves undeniably drawn to each other once again.  But when Lex discovers the scandalous secret that Lu has been keeping from him, he is crushed under the weight of betrayal.  Only time will tell if Lex and Lu can overcome their tumultuous history, but one thing is certain—the passion they share will burn forever.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:266 Seiten
Verlag:River Grove Books

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