Vice and Exploitation: An M/M/M novella

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LubaBos avatar
vor 9 Jahren

Die Story zu Beginn war solala, das Ende war ganz ok.

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This gay ménage novella was written as part of the "Don't Read in the Closet 2015" event for the MMRomance group on It's Travis's first professional modeling shoot--or so he thinks. So why is his photographer pulling out a badge and a gun, and why is the SWAT team storming the place? Travis thinks maybe it wasn't such a good idea to reveal to the handsome guy that he's always had this fantasy about being topped by two muscular guys. Or maybe it was the best idea he'd ever had. Travis is about to find out what happens when two gay Vice cops with a secret love affair decide to add a third, to add to their BDSM play. (Original prompt from Goodreads: Dear Author, I never expected the cops to bust in on my photoshoot! How was I supposed to know that the modeling agency was just a front for prostitution? I’m not a hooker! You’d think the two Vice cops would have better things to do than to keep shooting me glances. What is with all the smirks? It’s not my fault they won’t let me get dressed! What am I going to do now? Why do I get the feeling I’m not ready for what I read in their eyes?


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:66 Seiten
Verlag:MMRomance on Goodreads

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